Bric Technologies

Introducing Bric.

Bric is a specialized software designed for the construction industry that offers several advantages, including enhanced efficiency, improved communication, better accuracy, and increased transparency.

With Bric's digital inspection and task management features, construction teams can complete projects more quickly and efficiently, reducing construction time and costs. This not only benefits the construction team but also the clients who will receive their finished projects on time and within budget.

Bric's communication features enable real-time communication between all parties involved in a construction project. This eliminates communication gaps and ensures that everyone is on the same page, leading to a smoother and more efficient construction process. Additionally, improved communication helps to identify issues early on, reducing the likelihood of costly mistakes and delays.

Bric's digital inspections also provide better accuracy as information is captured digitally and automatically stored. This improves the accuracy of inspections and reduces the likelihood of missed or incorrect information. This benefit helps ensure the safety of the construction site and helps to prevent accidents.

Finally, Bric's transparency feature allows all stakeholders to access the same information, making it easier to identify issues and resolve them quickly. This leads to increased transparency in the construction process and promotes trust among all parties involved. The transparency feature also allows clients to be informed about the construction progress and any potential issues that may arise.

Overall, Bric's digital inspections and proper task management add value to the construction industry by improving efficiency, accuracy, communication, and transparency. These benefits lead to better quality projects completed on time and within budget, benefiting all stakeholders involved.


Meet Mr. Anandu Anilkumar, the founder of BRIC. Anandu hails from a family of successful builders in Karnataka and Kerala, and his upbringing has given him a unique perspective and hands-on experience in the industry.

With a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in construction management from the United Kingdom, Anandu possesses a deep understanding of the technical and managerial aspects of the construction industry. His passion for entrepreneurship and his interest in the construction sector led him to establish BRIC, with the aim of addressing one of the biggest, yet unspoken, issues in the industry.

Anandu is a firm believer in innovation and is committed to finding new and effective ways to assist construction businesses in India and beyond. He and his team are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise with others who share their passion for entrepreneurship and construction.

If you are interested in learning more about BRIC or have any questions for Anandu and his team, we encourage you to connect with them. They are always eager to engage with others and make a positive impact in the industry.


How Checklists. Task Assignments and Regular Reports Improve Efficiency in Construction

The construction industry is one of the most complex and demanding industries, requiring coordination among various stakeholders to ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the desired quality. One of the ways to achieve this is by using checklists, task assignments, and regular reports. In this blog post, we will explore how these practices can improve efficiency in the construction industry.

  • Standardization of Processes

    Checklists and task assignments help to standardize processes and procedures, ensuring that all workers are following the same protocols. This leads to greater efficiency and reduces the likelihood of errors or delays. By maintaining consistency in processes, it becomes easier to train new workers and ensure that quality standards are met.

  • Improved Time Management

    Assigning tasks and maintaining regular reports helps workers manage their time more effectively, ensuring that all tasks are completed within the required timeframe. This leads to more efficient use of time and resources, resulting in cost savings for the business. Regular reports can also help identify potential bottlenecks or issues early on, allowing workers to adjust their timelines accordingly.

  • Better Communication

    By assigning tasks and maintaining regular reports, workers can communicate more effectively with each other and with management. This helps to identify and resolve issues more quickly, leading to fewer delays and increased productivity. Clear communication also helps to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications, reducing the likelihood of errors and delays.

  • Increased Accountability

    Assigning tasks and maintaining regular reports helps to ensure that workers are held accountable for their work. This promotes a culture of responsibility and ownership, leading to greater job satisfaction and improved performance. Workers are more likely to take pride in their work when they are held accountable for their actions and are given feedback on their performance.

  • Conclusion

    Checklists, task assignments, and regular reports are essential tools for improving efficiency in the construction industry. They help to standardize processes, improve time management, facilitate communication, and increase accountability. By using these practices, construction businesses can improve their performance, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. It's time to adopt these practices and take your construction business to the next level.

The Challenges

There are different trades or sub-contractors working on the same project and communicating in traditional methods can be confusing and can lead to misinterpretations.